Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Simple Things Made Complicated: "In Jesus Name"

Many of us end our prayers with "In Jesus' name ...." It is (or can be) something of a formula, just a way to say "I'm done now." It's origin is probably in Jesus' statement, "I will do whatever you ask in my name" in John 14:13. But asking in Jesus' name is more than just tacking a phrase onto the end of a prayer.

Suppose you know Sally from PTA meetings. One day Sally knocks at your door wearing a City of Mayberry police uniform. This is not Sally the mom coming by for a cup of tea but Sally coming "in the name of the City of Mayberry." She is an agent of the city, who has specific responsibilities and powers. She might identify herself as an agent by presenting a badge. Having done so, she does not have to keep saying "in the name of the City of Mayberry". Doing so would be odd: is there some question as to her authenticity so that she has to keep emphasizing this?

So we, when we pray "in Jesus' name" do not need to keep repeating the phrase; assuming of course that we are indeed speaking as a agent of Jesus, someone to whom Jesus has given a specific duty that we are executing. What is it that Jesus has given you or me to do? In those areas we may indeed pray "in Jesus' name" and expect him to do it because there we are acting as his agent.

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